2.0. How to connect Amazon Integration Addon to your Amazon Seller Account 

Follow these steps to regoster as a developer and get API key

To register as a developer (for private vendor applications)

To register your application (for private vendor applications)

To self-authorize your application (vendor application)

An LWA refresh token is a long-lived token that you exchange for an LWA access token. An access token obtained through this token exchange must be included with calls to all Selling Partner API operations except restricted operations and grantless operations, which use somewhat different authorization models. After an access token is issued it is valid for one hour. The same access token can be used for multiple API calls, until it expires.

To exchange a refresh token for an access token using a generated SDK, see Connecting to the Selling Partner API using a generated Java SDK. To manually exchange a refresh token for an access token, see Connecting to the Selling Partner API.