3.2.1. Base Settings


Choose the [New Listing] position and move to the next step.

Current form contains basic settings details for the Listing of the products which will be exported later.

Note: the last update of the addon merge the export and synchronization in one process which is called "Publish".

Left Panel of Product Listing Creation Stage

In the "Listing Name" field, specify the listing title that you want to activate and use for the current operation.

The options to save and/or upload the settings are located below:

Take into account!

Only data that is specified in "General", "Inventory", "Images", "Price", "Shipping Options" and "Classification" tabs within the "Create New Listing" page will be saved to/or uploaded from a separate .cfg file (Add Products to Listing and Categories Mapping data steps are not included).

< - [Save Configuration] to a file.

< - [Upload from a file]

< - "Find products by" area is related to products mapping. This defines the identifier that the addon will recognize the publishing data by. It is represented with two variations:

    • "Product Name (Manually)

    • "Map by identification code"

"Product Name (Manually)"

It means you should link items, which are exporting with the relevant products on Amazon by using their names manually.

If you select this variant and press [Next] to move ahead, the second stage provides for the following steps:

  • Select the items without identifier and press [Find on Amazon] (1).

  • Once the searching process is completed, you will see the list of all variants from Amazon which are the most suitable to the chosen position of the store. Determine the selection(2) and click the [Apply] button (3).

"Map by identification code"

All listed positions, except for the first one, require the definition of the store's database field (code), the value of which will be taken as an identifier. This field should be presented in the tables of the store database and respond to the selected identifier above.

For example, if the EAN code is chosen as an identifier on Amazon, you should select the similar field from the store database opposite as well.

Note: only fields with the assigned identifiers will be processed.

The Listing form contains base data of exporting: you can configure a condition of products and the other fields related to the brand, quantity and discount dates etc.

The two options opposite each positions allows linking the value from the database fields or manually.

Basic Tabs of the Product Listing Creation Stage


Configure these fields manually by inserting the data from the store database. Expand the drop-down list to select the appropriate store field:

Select a store field that will serve as a product name on Amazon:

Use your own values, as well:

Note: if you leave the fields as they are by default, this data will not be published:

Additionally, select the data you want to export from the following sections: "Inventory", "Prices", "Images", "Shipping Options" and "Classification". For this, mark with a tick the necessary checkboxes.

Depending on what checkbowes were selected, the correspondng tabs will become available.


This tab allows you to select store fields for the product description and bullet points on Amazon.


Synchronize inventory checkbox serves for updating quantity of products during synchronization

The two options opposite each positions allows linking the value from the database fields automatically or manually.

"Quantity" - a value can be taken from the store’s database

To insert a value manually, press the relevant option and choose the field from the drop-down macros list.

In addition, you are able to check the correctness of the selection by pressing the [Test] button.

While uploading a value from the database the next field will be available.

  • "Q-ty to Export" - set the number of products which will be exported.

< - Use this button to specify a percentage of the number.

After pressing it, the drop-down list of possible percentage variants will become available.

  • "Handling time (Days)"

The fields contains the processing time of the order in days - from the day the order was created at the store to the day it should be shipped to customer. If you skip this field, such period will take from one to two business days by default (position Amazon from a list). In case you have other period of order processing, specify your own value there.


The "Prices" sector is to indicate the price type which will be displayed on the Product page on Amazon. By default, it is a standard price but you are able to change this value by using the options opposite:

  • Choose the variant from the drop-down list with the existing fields related to the price value.

  • Use the manual mode and open macro list that can be used for price value indication. The [Test] button helps to verify the correctness of the indicated position.

The "Currency" column. Select a currency to display the price of the exported product:

If products contain the sale prices you can publish these values on Amazon, as well. Select the checkbox to activate the necessary fields below:

Indicate the discounted price value and the date range by using the manual mode:

Or upload a value from the database field:


    • The "Items to publish" checkboxes:

This checkbox makes the "Images" sector available. The images will be displayed on the Product page, if you select the corresponding checkboxes.

  • A base illustration as the "Main Image"

  • And a small, thumbnail as an "Alternative Images"

Shipping Options

    • Publish shipping options

Configure the shipping conditions in the area which appears below. Press [Add] to activate columns of the table:

You will see the main shipping positions, i.e.:

  • "Name" - the column for destination code. Activate the column to be able to call the drop-down list with the available codes:

  • "Status" - make the status of the selected code enabled or disabled.

  • "Amount" - the cost value amount. It will either add to the default shipping cost or replace it, based on the Type, chosen in the next column.

  • "Type" of the code - select one from the drop-down list:

1. "Additive" provides an additional surcharge to the default shipping cost (extra cost plus default value). Consider an example, represented below.

By choosing the additive type will be charged additional 23 $+ default shipping cost for any standard shipping from Alaska to the post box in Hawaii.

2. "Exclusive", instead of the default, performs the revaluation of the shipping cost (see the sample example in the illustration above). It will be charged 20$ for any Standard Shipping to Canada.


Opens the mapping page where you are able to link the category(ies) of your products listing with the relevant category(ies) on Amazon:

You should note, the root Amazon categories are depicted in blue (can be seen below of the form). To map, select the categories marked in black.

Press the [Next] button to move to the next step of the process:

Check the "Add Products to Listing" stage as the next step in Product Listing Creation.